Lightnite Game – Bitcoin’s Lightning Enabled Fortnite Competitor

Lightnite Game – Bitcoin’s Lightning Enabled Fortnite Competitor

YouTube Video

YouTube Video Transcript

[Music] hey this is David for big bits and in this video we’re going to discuss a project in crypto that’s been getting a little bit of attention over the weekend it’s kind of gone through the carwash as you might say on crypto twitter and that is light night now what is light night all you really need to do is look at the headlines and really give you a good idea of what it is coin Telegraph they always have great articles in my opinion and they say Satoshi Games announced light night a fortnight like game with built-in lightning Network microtransactions now this this has kind of been done before with other projects I’ve seen them around where they’re using other coins but there is a bit of a novelty here and the fact that it is using Bitcoin and not just using Bitcoin but using Bitcoin on the Lightning Network which means nearly instant transactions so if you’re not familiar satoshis games has been around for a little while they’ve been working on this project I gotta be honest I’ve not really looked at satoshis games before I’ve seen them mentioned on Twitter and other sites before but really gonna take a fresh look at this this is my really first time looking in detail at this I’ve looked at the video and I’ve read some of the highlights of it but let’s take a look at this together because there’s definitely a lot going on here of course here is the article from Bitcoin magazine and you can see some of their visuals they claim it’s low poly which you can see that because there’s a lot of hard edges which basically makes them look a little bit like Legos in a way but the thing is they’re obviously targeting the fortnight audience which is absolutely huge and the crypto audience to get it at the same time but they’re also going to go with the novel approach of using lightning and I say it’s a novel approach because it really isn’t done a lot now if you go to the Satoshi Games website which I did a little bit before this video you’ll notice they make a pretty big deal about using Bitcoin and lightning there as well so let’s take a look at kind of how the game is meant to be you can see of course it’s just like fortnight let’s go to their website let me scroll back up to the top here they have their wonderful landscape here to me it looks kind of cluttered but I’m sure if you’re in their plane it’s not too bad but they’re big tagline areas earned Bitcoin playing light night their game so they say it’s a multiplayer battle royale game with the bitcoin mode that rewards winners on top of a minimalist low poly and cartoonish design it’s certainly low poly and cartoonish there are honestly a lot of games like this on mobile if you notice and I’m pretty sure when I went over this earlier it said they had a mobile application so keep that in mind it may look kind of silly but for a small studio if you’re wanting to support a video game on multiple platforms including mobile you probably want to go with something that’s very easy for the applications to digest and that would be perfect if people are into it myself I don’t really care for the low poly design but there’s also like 8-bit and other style characters and stuff from 2d games that I actually do kind of enjoy so I can understand why people enjoy this sort of thing now talking about a new level of interaction I don’t really know if it’s a new level of interaction it’s a new level of interaction for video games in Bitcoin when you’re talking about trying to make something popular now there are already games that try to use the Lightning Network but the reason I pointed out this project is because not a lot of them get this kind of media attention and by media attention I mean it’s mostly just in crypto spaces right now and I really haven’t seen it outside of that but it has gotten quite a bit of attention I forget who it was but I’ve seen several retweets of people saying that you know this is how you generate mass adoption for cryptocurrencies and I kind of agree I’ve always liked the idea of these games that payout or use a virtual currency with very small amounts in order to do these things now there’s obviously some game design things you have to consider when you’re thinking about these like is it right to charge for micro transactions on certain things and charge not charge on others and just kind of making sure you keep your customer base happy but one thing you will notice they do have the ability for you to buy skins and in-game items using Bitcoin just kind of neat it gives you a use case for actually having Bitcoin stored on their game besides playing and you can see that it is yes it is meant for mobile so it says bring your favorite cypherpunk battle royale game to mobile on iOS Android so it is going for mobile it makes complete sense that they would have the low poly stuff and it it could be very big if they market it correctly and I think they’re off to a good start targeting the crypto scene now low poly we’ve already talked about that these are just some more pictures of their art style it’s just low poly and very cartoonish somewhat like fortnight in a sense that there’s a lot of bright colors and things kind of stand out a lot of the same lighting effects silly costumes and such okay so we’ve kind of made it through their page but we still really don’t know a lot about it so I went to that a medium and I checked out an article here and they’re going behind the scenes kind of talking a little bit more in detail because I was kind of disappointed with the amount of detail I saw on their website for them to be going through that car wash on under the crypto media scene they really don’t have a lot of details about how things are gonna work and before I get into that let’s I wanted to skip ahead a long way here onto their roadmap they started developing in June of 2019 they’re doing crowdfunding starting now that’s probably why they’re going through the crypto carwash but early access will start in November of 2020 so it’s about a year away from anyone being able to access it with early access then a beta launch and a release in February of 2021 so we’re quite a ways away from anything happening so that might be why they’re a bit scarce on details but at least having a more well-thought-out and descriptive way to explain how the game and work would be great so we’re gonna check out here and see if there’s anything that isn’t on their website at least that was super easy for me to find if it’s not on your landing page most people aren’t gonna bother to find it so just keep that in mind if you’re working on projects like that game features they have two modes available and I’ve already kind of discussed that they have a Bitcoin integrated mode and a non Bitcoin integrated mode with the Bitcoin integrated mode you can connect your Bitcoin account with them I believe it said you had to have a Lightning enabled Bitcoin wallet so connected and use the lightning features and to do that when you enter the game you will join other players online after making a micro transaction now it says it’s not pay to play but if you have to put up money in a transaction first it kind of sounds like pay to play even if they don’t take your you still got to put it up on the table it says the micro transaction only updates the balance of the player who can then withdraw it back if he doesn’t die before exiting the game so if they do die during the game do they get that back it’s kind of confusing there to me maybe I’m not the only one here I don’t really understand how that’s supposed to work and how that’s not pay to play I mean if it’s pay to play it’s fine if we’re talking about you know like a half a penny per game or there’s something really miniscule like that but if we’re talking you know you you have to do like a 50 cent transaction every time you want to play the game and then maybe you’ll get it back at the end of game it’s kind of weird but it also leads you to thinking how do they fund this stuff and it says every player has an in-game balance that increases in real time when he shoots other players or picks up valuable items and decreases when he gets shot now how do you fund that how can you not have some sort of pay to play model here you’re either gonna defund it with advertisements which I haven’t seen any word about yet or you’re gonna have to fund it with the money you’ve got up front from people paying for the game or doing the crowdfunding early on like they’re trying to do or you take that micro transaction and the in-store or the in-game cells from the accessories and use that to fund be rewards but then you would have to keep on top of the balance of what’s available and what people are earning and receiving from the game itself there’s a lot to keep up with if you were to do it like that so to me it would make sense actually if they did make you pay to play that way the rewards would be consistent and guaranteed every game it it means that the top players of course would get rewarded and then we would make money but the bottom players would lose so it’s kind of bad for people who aren’t video could have video games and if you want to play with the non Bitcoin integrated mode and and not try to win or lose money then that would be an option and I said I need a better description here of what a microtransaction being potentially refunded before the end of the game if they don’t die I need a better definition on what’s going on here because to me it doesn’t make a lot of sense all right we’ll move on from that when we go on to the non Bitcoin integrated mode it says the same game no micro transaction required to join the game use in-game points instead of Bitcoin now you can also use fiat money so it doesn’t force you to use Bitcoin so this is just another thing you need to take away they are pitching this to a wide audience and not just people in the kryptos crypto area in a crypto scene they’re wanting a large audience because they’re wanting to make money so to do that they have to pitch it to regular folks who don’t use crypto and it makes complete sense and you can’t get mad at them but it’s kind of annoying when you’re trying to reach the mass adoption and they even mention that here and your game is called light night completely branded after the Lightning Network and the capabilities that it offers but yet you’re still kind of hoping to get that fiat money so I completely understand their position it just a little bit confusing as to why you would do that for probably a lot of people out there who are just looking at it and they’re thinking oh look a light lightning Network enabled game and they go in there like why is it asking for you know US dollars well because they’re trying to target more people than just you let’s see they say it’s going to be available on Steam H dot IO PlayStation etc and on a lick sir which that is their own game distribution platform I checked that out briefly not terribly impressed with it but it sounds like they’re just getting started with that so what check it out I’m not sure we need another game distribution platform but they’re making a go for that as well and who can blame them if they’re making the money might as well try it seems to have worked out well for other companies like Riot Games Blizzard distributing their own games through those platforms so it might be a model that other companies are looking to use as well now they do have the crowdfunding campaign and with that said we’ve went through the medium article and let’s actually take a look at all of their posts here the other one is announcing the pre-order sale and that really doesn’t have a whole lot of information either okay there was a little bit more here every nine months a new season pass comes to the game with lots of missions skins and more items okay so they’re copying seasons from fortnight now the title alone made me think there was nothing in here and I probably should have read more about it before I got into when did this one come out October 21st okay so this one is actually really new it might not even been on here when I was looking at it earlier but it mentions how they’re building the game on top of a scarce asset Bitcoin and it’s not entirely built on top of the coin because they also offer the non Bitcoin enabled mode and they have scarcity within the items in the game so that means and I do recall reading something about this earlier that some of the assets that they’re working with are going to be limited in supply as well so if you’re wanting to buy a certain skin there may only be you know 20 of those skins available for all of the users at the game so if you want it you need to act quickly and by early on or pay a premium for it now let’s see see if there’s anything new in here that we haven’t discussed the gaming experience is more competitive and attractive when they die in the Bitcoin game mode the skins they bought stay on the ground of the game and if no other users loot it up they disappear reducing the amount of a type of skin and creating a scarcity element within game assets collection and a more rewarding experience okay so apparently if you bought a skin you can lose it through the competitive play this is something you’d see a lot in older style games when you would die you would leave items behind and they were permanent items in the game whereas with actual fortnight they’re temporary but there was an old game I used to play this was called a drop pile or a death pile when you would die your character would drop items that were scarce resources in the game and other players could come by and pick them up when you died this is no different than that but it does mean that those eyes our scarce and that they can be removed from the game and back in the game I used to play that was called a floor sweep when the ground all the clutter all the items on the ground was cleared by the server and the items were deleted or at least made inaccessible for all future players so let’s see you can see here here’s their example of using the wallet to connect using funds and now they talk about pre-ordering the game early access now this is all covered in the crowdfunding I’ll go over that in just a moment frequently asked questions this kind of has to do with your balances of your Satoshi’s on there because there’s a limit to how many you can withdraw I believe it was 70,000 satoshis is the most you can hold on there something like that it’s pretty small numbers for the most part when can I play the game if I don’t participate in the pre-sale okay public beta release 2020 q1 q2 okay and I haven’t seen this before this is the first time I’ve seen Windows and other desktop platforms listed as well although they did say Steam they just didn’t really specify earlier on which ones it was from what I’ve seen so that’s good to know all right let’s check out their funding page lastly and you can see what they’re kind of looking for this is early on they’ve just started so this is a decent start so far they’ve went through a lot of marketing you can tell just by looking at Twitter and other social media that they’re already starting to market their crowdfunding these are the different things you can get based on your contribution level is just like a Kickstarter the first level is early access for $20 contribution or more and there’s only a certain number of spots in there so six hundred and thirty nine spots left there as if now you can also get stickers you can get t-shirts you can get a poster and if you’re a major donor you can access the development discord channel and be a part of the development decisions like choosing in-game assets skins or ideas now that being said let’s see if there’s anything different here that wasn’t any other ones other than just a pitch okay let’s look at the technology behind light like this says they are using the Lightning Network to integrate the Bitcoin micro transactions with light night the only thing players need to do is to download and use a wallet that supports the Lightning Network blue wallet is the one that give an example of and you send a small fraction of Bitcoin to that wallet and start sending or receiving Bitcoin over the Lightning Network while playing light night and they go on to discuss again about the different modes and the distribution let’s read this one light night is currently under heavy development but once ready it will be available on all the major game distribution platforms and then list those again however the early access will be exclusively for the backers and supporters of this campaign and the beta will be accessible through elixir gaming platform now I had to zoom in to see this this crowdfunding site the road map is awfully small okay so you can see they started their game development they’re currently doing their crowdfunding they will do early access when the Minimum Viable Product is ready now they do have some videos out there you’ll see in the media packages and you can see what it looks like it’s nothing too over-the-top impressive it’s really just those low poly figures running around shooting the beta launch and 2021 and release in February of 2021 so that’s a look at this one trying to think if there’s anything else that really needs to be covered for this maybe I should give my opinion on it I think this is a very good project as far as contributing I can’t say whether you should or shouldn’t definitely not a financial adviser but if you like this thing and you want to support Bitcoin then maybe it’s a good idea to consider it they’re obviously going to be drawing more attention they’re a somewhat established studio they do have a website with some games they’re working on their own distribution platform so it’ll be interesting to see how much attention they get now the timing on their roadmap with a lot of these things honestly works well with the expected changes coming up with Bitcoin because there is a happening next year and it’s expected that there will be a lot of media attention focused towards Bitcoin so I could see this getting some decent attention particularly if it works well with the Lightning Network if the Lightning Network works well and even more so if the Bitcoin network is congested with high fees because you’ll be able to see a real example of a layer 2 solution like Lightning Network working to settle fees or to settle transactions for little to no fees for Bitcoin and have the Bitcoin actually change hands so I think it’s gonna be very good for Bitcoin and cryptocurrency this isn’t like an investment opportunity like an ICO or anything this is literally just like a Kickstarter you’re contributing to their campaign to get this going so if you put money in don’t really expect to get an investment amount back at least from what I can tell here so if you liked this video please leave a like if you want to stick around and look at other cryptocurrency projects or you are interested in some of my other videos like I have a trading view tutorial on creating your own indicators for trading then subscribe and check out the channel I would really appreciate it but for now that is all and thank you have a good one [Music]

YouTube Video Description

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Lightnite Game – Bitcoin’s Lightning Enabled Fortnite Competitor: In this video we take a look at #lightnite. Lightnite is a battle-royal, fortnite type video game that aims to reward players for their play with Bitcoin utilizing the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Lightnite is a promising Bitcoin related game that will play like a Battle-royal type game similar to Fortnite.

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This channel focuses on Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Ripple, Link, Basic Attention Token and almost all cryptocurrencies that demand attention. Please like the video if you liked the video, and subscribe if you like these types of videos. David from BigBits is an experienced Software Engineer, but no one is perfect, If you find any issues with any of the open-source, free code, or code shown in videos please comment to let us know what to fix, we listen to our viewers!